About Me

He’s such a lovely boy

Paul The Celebrant

Well, twenty five years ago I thought it would be a good idea to become a comedian, so I did. I played every major club in the UK and beyond, toured Europe, ran my own shows and played big festivals. Then the Pandemic happened and took away my livelihood, along with a lot of other people’s. I could have got upset about it, but decided to use what I had learnt over all those years of setting gigs up, performing at them and entertaining people from all walks of life, to become a wedding celebrant. I completed a brilliant and informative course and am now here – and ready to help you have the most fantastic and fun wedding day!

For extra authenticity, I became an ordained minister in The Church Of The Latter Day Dude and can now rightly declare myself a Dudeist Priest. That was their idea, not mine, although I quite like it. I also got an excellent certificate – and a patch for my crombie! It means I am licensed to perform weddings in the USA and will be making an annual trip to Las Vegas to do just that, if we’re ever allowed to get on a plane again…

Don’t worry though – I’m not going to turn your special day into a custard pie throwing, clown show wearing, two bob circus! I’m going to do the same sort of thing that everyone else does. It will just hopefully be a lot funnier, everyone will have a really great time, a good laugh and there’ll still be a great big dollop of romance thrown in!

I’ll help you to plan and carry out a ceremony that will include everything we can fit in to the time. I’ll put you at ease and help you choose the right readings, poems and type of ceremony you like. I’ll write and choreograph the entire ceremony and will use the information you give me about yourselves to provide a unique and original order of service that your friends and family will love! I’ve also got a couple of things up my sleeve that I’m not advertising on here as I want you to have as individual a day as possible so let’s keep them our little secret!

I’m down to earth, approachable and am not going to promise you anything I can’t deliver. See the “contact” page to get in touch and I will be happy to give you more information!

PS. I am only offering my services as a wedding celebrant. If you want me for your funeral, baby naming or the suchlike, there’s something not quite right about you, frankly…